Class TonHttpApiV2



#adapter?: AxiosAdapter
#apiKey?: string
#endpoint: string
#timeout: number


  • Private

    Method to call jsonrpc.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • method: string
    • params: any
    • returnSchema: ZodType<T, ZodTypeDef, T>

    Returns Promise<T>

  • Get all possible address forms.


    • address: string

    Returns Promise<{
        bounceable: { b64: string; b64url: string; };
        given_type: "raw_form" | "dns" | "friendly_bounceable" | "friendly_non_bounceable";
        non_bounceable: { b64: string; b64url: string; };
        raw_form: string;
        test_only: boolean;

  • Estimate fees required for query processing. body, init-code and init-data accepted in serialized format (b64-encoded).


    • address: string
    • body: string
    • init_code: string
    • init_data: string
    • ignore_chksig: boolean

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "query.fees";
        destination_fees: ({ "@type": "fees"; fwd_fee: string | number; storage_fee: string | number; in_fwd_fee: string | number; gas_fee: string | number; })[];
        source_fees: { "@type": "fees"; fwd_fee: string | number; storage_fee: string | number; in_fwd_fee: string | number; gas_fee: string | number; };

  • Get balance (in nanotons) of a given address.


    • address: string

    Returns Promise<string | number>

  • Get basic information about the address: balance, code, data, last_transaction_id.


    • address: string

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "raw.fullAccountState";
        balance: string | number;
        block_id: { "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; };
        code: string;
        data: string;
        frozen_hash: string;
        last_transaction_id: { "@type": "internal.transactionId"; lt: string; hash: string; };
        state: "active" | "uninitialized" | "frozen";
        sync_utime: number;

  • Get state of a given address. State can be either unitialized, active or frozen.


    • address: string

    Returns Promise<"active" | "uninitialized" | "frozen">

  • Get metadata of a given block.


    • workchain: number
    • shard: string
    • seqno: number
    • Optional optional: {
          file_hash?: string;
          root_hash?: string;
      • Optional file_hash?: string
      • Optional root_hash?: string

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "blocks.header";
        after_merge: boolean;
        after_split: boolean;
        before_split: boolean;
        catchain_seqno: number;
        end_lt: string;
        flags: number;
        gen_utime: number;
        global_id: number;
        id: { "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; };
        is_key_block: boolean;
        min_ref_mc_seqno: number;
        prev_blocks: ({ "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; })[];
        prev_key_block_seqno: number;
        start_lt: string;
        validator_list_hash_short: number;
        version: number;
        vert_seqno: number;
        want_merge: boolean;
        want_split: boolean;

  • Get transactions of the given block.


    • workchain: number
    • shard: string
    • seqno: number
    • Optional optional: {
          after_hash?: string;
          after_lt?: string;
          count?: number;
          file_hash?: string;
          root_hash?: string;
      • Optional after_hash?: string
      • Optional after_lt?: string
      • Optional count?: number
      • Optional file_hash?: string
      • Optional root_hash?: string

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "blocks.transactions";
        id: { "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; };
        incomplete: boolean;
        req_count: number;
        transactions: ({ "@type": "blocks.shortTxId"; lt: string; hash: string; mode: number; account: string; })[];

  • Get config by id.


    • config_id: number
    • Optional optional: {
          seqno?: number;
      • Optional seqno?: number

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "configInfo";
        config: { "@type": "tvm.cell"; bytes: string; };

  • Get consensus block and its update timestamp.

    Returns Promise<{
        consensus_block: number;
        timestamp: number;

  • Similar to previous one but tries to parse additional information for known contract types. This method is based on tonlib's function getAccountState. For detecting wallets we recommend to use getWalletInformation.


    • address: string

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "fullAccountState";
        account_state: (({ code: string; data: string; "@type": "raw.accountState"; frozen_hash: string; }) | ({ "@type": "wallet.v3.accountState"; seqno: number; wallet_id: string | number; }) | ({ "@type": "wallet.v4.accountState"; seqno: number; wallet_id: string | number; }) | ({ "@type": "wallet.highload.v1.accountState"; seqno: number; wallet_id: string | number; }) | ({ "@type": "wallet.highload.v2.accountState"; wallet_id: string | number; }) | ({ "@type": "dns.accountState"; wallet_id: string | number; }) | ({ "@type": "rwallet.accountState"; seqno: number; wallet_id: string | number; unlocked_balance: string | number; config: { "@type": "rwallet.config"; start_at: number; limits: { value: number; "@type": "rwallet.limit"; seconds: number; }[]; }; })) & (undefined | ({ code: string; data: string; "@type": "raw.accountState"; frozen_hash: string; }) | ({ "@type": "wallet.v3.accountState"; seqno: number; wallet_id: string | number; }) | ({ "@type": "wallet.v4.accountState"; seqno: number; wallet_id: string | number; }) | ({ "@type": "wallet.highload.v1.accountState"; seqno: number; wallet_id: string | number; }) | ({ "@type": "wallet.highload.v2.accountState"; wallet_id: string | number; }) | ({ "@type": "dns.accountState"; wallet_id: string | number; }) | ({ "@type": "rwallet.accountState"; seqno: number; wallet_id: string | number; unlocked_balance: string | number; config: { "@type": "rwallet.config"; start_at: number; limits: { value: number; "@type": "rwallet.limit"; seconds: number; }[]; }; }));
        address: { "@type": "accountAddress"; account_address: string; };
        balance: string | number;
        block_id: { "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; };
        last_transaction_id: { "@type": "internal.transactionId"; lt: string; hash: string; };
        revision: number;
        sync_utime: number;

  • Get metadata of a given masterchain block.


    • seqno: number

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "blocks.header";
        after_merge: boolean;
        after_split: boolean;
        before_split: boolean;
        catchain_seqno: number;
        end_lt: string;
        flags: number;
        gen_utime: number;
        global_id: number;
        id: { "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; };
        is_key_block: boolean;
        min_ref_mc_seqno: number;
        prev_blocks: ({ "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; })[];
        prev_key_block_seqno: number;
        start_lt: string;
        validator_list_hash_short: number;
        version: number;
        vert_seqno: number;
        want_merge: boolean;
        want_split: boolean;

  • Get up-to-date masterchain state.


    • seqno: number

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "blocks.blockSignatures";
        id: { "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; };
        signatures: ({ "@type": "blocks.signature"; node_id_short: string; signature: string; })[];

  • Get transactions of the given masterchain block.


    • seqno: number

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "blocks.transactions";
        id: { "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; };
        incomplete: boolean;
        req_count: number;
        transactions: ({ "@type": "blocks.shortTxId"; lt: string; hash: string; mode: number; account: string; })[];

  • Get up-to-date masterchain state.

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "blocks.masterchainInfo";
        init: { "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; };
        last: { "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; };
        state_root_hash: string;

  • Get merkle proof of shardchain block.


    • workchain: number
    • shard: string
    • seqno: number
    • Optional optional: {
          from_seqno?: number;
      • Optional from_seqno?: number

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "blocks.shardBlockProof";
        from: { "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; };
        links: ({ "@type": "blocks.shardBlockLink"; id: { "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; }; proof: string; })[];
        mc_id: { "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; };
        mc_proof: ({ "@type": "blocks.blockLinkBack"; proof: string; to_key_block: boolean; from: { "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; }; to: { ...; }; dest_proof: string; state_proof: string; })[];

  • Get shards information.


    • seqno: number

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "blocks.shards";
        shards: ({ "@type": "ton.blockIdExt"; workchain: number; shard: string; seqno: number; root_hash: string; file_hash: string; })[];

  • Get transaction history of a given address.


    • address: string
    • Optional optional: {
          archival?: boolean;
          hash?: string;
          limit?: number;
          lt?: string;
          to_lt?: string;
      • Optional archival?: boolean
      • Optional hash?: string
      • Optional limit?: number
      • Optional lt?: string
      • Optional to_lt?: string

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "raw.transaction";
        address: { "@type": "accountAddress"; account_address: string; };
        data: string;
        fee: string | number;
        in_msg: { value: string; "@type": "raw.message"; source: string; destination: string; fwd_fee: string | number; ihr_fee: string | number; created_lt: string; body_hash: string; msg_data: { "@type": "msg.dataRaw"; body: string; init_state: string; } | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; }; message?: string | undefined; };
        other_fee: string | number;
        out_msgs: ({ value: string; "@type": "raw.message"; source: string; destination: string; fwd_fee: string | number; ihr_fee: string | number; created_lt: string; body_hash: string; msg_data: { "@type": "msg.dataRaw"; body: string; init_state: string; } | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; }; message?: string | undefined; })[];
        storage_fee: string | number;
        transaction_id: { "@type": "internal.transactionId"; lt: string; hash: string; };
        utime: number;

  • Retrieve wallet information. This method parses contract state and currently supports more wallet types than getExtendedAddressInformation: simple wallet, standart wallet, v3 wallet, v4 wallet.


    • address: string

    Returns Promise<{
        account_state: string;
        balance: string | number;
        last_transaction_id: { "@type": "internal.transactionId"; lt: string; hash: string; };
        seqno: number;
        wallet: boolean;
        wallet_id: string | number;
        wallet_type: string;

  • Look up block by either seqno, lt or unixtime.


    • workchain: number
    • shard: string
    • Optional optional: {
          lt?: string;
          seqno?: number;
          unixtime?: number;
      • Optional lt?: string
      • Optional seqno?: number
      • Optional unixtime?: number

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "ton.blockIdExt";
        file_hash: string;
        root_hash: string;
        seqno: number;
        shard: string;
        workchain: number;

  • Convert an address from raw to human-readable format.


    • address: string

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Run get method on smart contract.


    • address: string
    • method: string
    • stack: TupleItem[]

    Returns Promise<{
        exit_code: number;
        gas_used: number;
        stack: unknown[];

  • Send serialized boc file: fully packed and serialized external message to blockchain. boc accepted in serialized format (b64-encoded).


    • boc: string

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "ok";

  • Send serialized boc file: fully packed and serialized external message to blockchain. The method returns message hash. boc accepted in serialized format (b64-encoded).


    • boc: string

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "raw.extMessageInfo";
        hash: string;

  • Same as previous. Locate outcoming transaction of destination address by incoming message.


    • source: string
    • destination: string
    • created_lt: string

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "raw.transaction";
        address: { "@type": "accountAddress"; account_address: string; };
        data: string;
        fee: string | number;
        in_msg: { value: string; "@type": "raw.message"; source: string; destination: string; fwd_fee: string | number; ihr_fee: string | number; created_lt: string; body_hash: string; msg_data: { "@type": "msg.dataRaw"; body: string; init_state: string; } | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; }; message?: string | undefined; };
        other_fee: string | number;
        out_msgs: ({ value: string; "@type": "raw.message"; source: string; destination: string; fwd_fee: string | number; ihr_fee: string | number; created_lt: string; body_hash: string; msg_data: { "@type": "msg.dataRaw"; body: string; init_state: string; } | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; }; message?: string | undefined; })[];
        storage_fee: string | number;
        transaction_id: { "@type": "internal.transactionId"; lt: string; hash: string; };
        utime: number;

  • Locate incoming transaction of source address by outcoming message.


    • source: string
    • destination: string
    • created_lt: string

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "raw.transaction";
        address: { "@type": "accountAddress"; account_address: string; };
        data: string;
        fee: string | number;
        in_msg: { value: string; "@type": "raw.message"; source: string; destination: string; fwd_fee: string | number; ihr_fee: string | number; created_lt: string; body_hash: string; msg_data: { "@type": "msg.dataRaw"; body: string; init_state: string; } | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; }; message?: string | undefined; };
        other_fee: string | number;
        out_msgs: ({ value: string; "@type": "raw.message"; source: string; destination: string; fwd_fee: string | number; ihr_fee: string | number; created_lt: string; body_hash: string; msg_data: { "@type": "msg.dataRaw"; body: string; init_state: string; } | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; }; message?: string | undefined; })[];
        storage_fee: string | number;
        transaction_id: { "@type": "internal.transactionId"; lt: string; hash: string; };
        utime: number;

  • Locate outcoming transaction of destination address by incoming message.


    • source: string
    • destination: string
    • created_lt: string

    Returns Promise<{
        @type: "raw.transaction";
        address: { "@type": "accountAddress"; account_address: string; };
        data: string;
        fee: string | number;
        in_msg: { value: string; "@type": "raw.message"; source: string; destination: string; fwd_fee: string | number; ihr_fee: string | number; created_lt: string; body_hash: string; msg_data: { "@type": "msg.dataRaw"; body: string; init_state: string; } | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; }; message?: string | undefined; };
        other_fee: string | number;
        out_msgs: ({ value: string; "@type": "raw.message"; source: string; destination: string; fwd_fee: string | number; ihr_fee: string | number; created_lt: string; body_hash: string; msg_data: { "@type": "msg.dataRaw"; body: string; init_state: string; } | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; }; message?: string | undefined; })[];
        storage_fee: string | number;
        transaction_id: { "@type": "internal.transactionId"; lt: string; hash: string; };
        utime: number;

  • Convert an address from human-readable to raw format.


    • address: string

    Returns Promise<string>

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